About this Blog site

English Language Learning

I'm Jillur Rahman Masud, a professional English teacher and  Freelancer. I have been serving as an English teacher since 2015.

English Language Learning is my own blog site based on English grammar. Here I'm trying my best to make English easier for all. Actually, I'm very interested in researching new thoughts and ideas from my childhood. And English is my favorite subject. So to say, Learning new English words or rules is my favorite hobby.  But the textbooks that were given by the institutions couldn't fulfill my desire. So, when I faced any problem, I used to go to the internet and browsed many sites related to English Language Learning. But I was very frustrated because I couldn't get information on how I wanted to get it. I had to visit hundreds of sites to get solutions. So I've decided to make a blog site that will meet my demand first, then will help other's who are interested to learn the English language. And English Language Learning is the ultimate result of my dream.

As a conscious citizen, everybody knows that English is essential for all. It is not a fact that whether you are a farmer or an officer, English is compulsory to learn. If I start to describe the importance of learning English, I'll write thousands of pages but it will never end. So, I have a request to all to connect with this blog site. Because here you will get information that will help to develop your English skills

In conclusion, I wish to have your support. If you have any questions or suggestions that will be helpful for my site, please feel free to contact me. Best wishes to all.

Thank you.

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